Seeing the Great Divine
Earnest prayer is uttered. The answer always comes,
Oft’ times before we realize - before our asking’s done.
But we do not see it as we echo our appeal,
Asking for the very thing that God has now made real.
The answer looms before us, but we bid it “go”,
Thinking it a figment, thinking God is slow. (Acts 12:5-16)
Or, hurried prayer is uttered; the answer God would send,
If we lingered earnestly – our busyness suspend.
But we are impatient and wait not on the Lord;
Just a moment longer there His grace would be outpoured.
So we often forfeit God, His answers we ignore.
Or we do not truly ask His mercy to implore.
And so we go about our days, and God remains unseen.
Enduring mediocre lives when God could intervene.
The saddest thing about it all – we say that God is real,
But He is hidden from our view, His glory is concealed.
O, that I would truly come, my heart to Thee incline,
And see the answer You reveal – O, see You, Great Divine!
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